Carol Pallesen
Reno, NV
A38 — Boxes, Boxes and More Boxes
One-Day Class, Sunday, July 26
Paper Arts

Fascination with things-that-hold things is something most calligraphers have in common. Embellishing papers with pens, dyes, and paints is how this class begins. Then three-dimensional artworks will be folded; the various shapes include square, rectangle, triangle, flat-fold, and cube. Thoughts and words can be added at a future time. Your beautiful constructions will delight you, the maker, as well as the happy recipient.
Supply List
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Metal, cork-backed ruler (12″ or 18″)
- X-acto knife with #11 blades or your favorite cutting tool
- Cutting surface: about 8″ x 10″ or 9″ x 12″ self-healing mat or scrap of matboard or whatever you have
- Glue stick (I like UHU)
- Scissors
- Waterproof chisel-edged pen(s), such as Zig Calligraphy MS-3400, in one or more colors
- Scrap paper (to glue on & toss)
- Bone folder
Supply fee: $10 will include all papers cut and ready to go and paint & dyes (I’ll bring brushes & dishes to share)
Any questions or need to borrow something, please call me: Carol, 775-329-6983 or email me: