







Peter Thornton
Cleveland, TN

B34 — Ruling Pen Meets Small and Delicate Capitals
Four-Day Class, Monday, July 27 – Friday, July 31
Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate
Design, Lettering

peter_thornton-c4day peter_thornton-b4day
“Writing is meant to be read, calligraphy is meant to be looked at” ­— and felt.

Perhaps no other tool encourages this more than the rebel ruling pen. This relatively new writing tool openly encourages a more adventurous (and less precious) approach to calligraphy.

Beginning with some simple and basic strokes of the ruling pen, we will build up, in a logical and gentle order, alphabets that have a healthy disregard for the conventional and safe approach. Written in either solid inks and/or subtle watercolors, they will offer a wonderful contrast to the smaller pen and pencil capitals to follow.

After the unpredictable and lively ruling pen letters we will move on to the delicate and quieter tiny capitals that whisper more than shout to the eye. These exquisite tiny letters require perhaps a more thoughtful approach and need subtle changes to their form, to the pen angle, and to the speed etc., but will repay this effort time and time again.

Throughout our time together, there will be exercises and projects to combine these two flavors of letterforms along with many demonstrations, short talks, and much sensitive tuition.

Supply List

  • H or 2H and HB Pencil
  • Layout and any better quality paper (Arches text wove, text laid and Arches MBM, Fabriano Ingres or any similar good quality paper with some tooth
  • Black and/or walnut ink
  • Wide range of nib sizes from Speedball C2, Brause, or Tape 2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1 mm, .75 mm or Mitchell Rexel sizes 3, 3.5, 4, and smaller if possible
  • Any watercolor paints you may have, plus a tube of neutral tint
  • Gouache paint in your color choice
  • Palette
  • Water pot
  • Old brush to load pens
  • Emory nib polishing paper and some fine sandpaper
  • Ruling Pen; I will supply a folded ruling pen for each student should they wish ($5)
  • Optional: Arkansas stone and some fine grain polishing paper (I will have some to use)
peter_throntonPeter Thornton has been a full time professional and enthusiastic calligrapher for over 40 years, working in a studio in England producing scrolls and books of remembrances for 14 years. He has taught widely across England and Europe as well as in Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, Canada, and here in the U.S. for the last 35 years. He still teaches weekend and longer classes across the U.S., where he now happily lives, and now teaches privately in his home studio, specializing in gilding, letterforms, and layout and design.

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